Creating Your First Form

OmniForm empowers you to design and customize forms that suit your needs. This tutorial aims to provide a step-by-step walkthrough, enabling you to create your first form with ease. Let’s dive in and start building your form from scratch with OmniForm.

Create a New Form

After installing and activating the OmniForm plugin, click on “OmniForm” to access the OmniForm plugin page. Click the “Create a Form” button to start creating your form from scratch.

Screenshot of the OmniForm plugin screen within the WordPress admin. The image shows the plugin interface with arrow shapes highlighting the specific areas where users should click to initiate the form creation process.

Enter a descriptive name for your form in the provided field. This name will help you identify and manage your form later.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users should set the form's name for identification and organization.

Adding Fields

Click on the blue “+” icon button within the top bar. This will open up the block inserter.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image showcases an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users should click to open the block inserter.

In the block search bar, type “OmniForm” or scroll down to locate the OmniForm blocks category.

Select the desired field block from the available options, such as Text Field, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Dropdown, or any other field type you need for your form.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features arrow shapes, highlighting the specific areas where users should type to search for and click to add a text field block to the form.

Give the field an appropriate label. This is what your website visitors will see when they fill out your form and what you will see when managing form responses.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users should type the field's label.

To add more fields to your form, repeat the process. Add as many field blocks as required to create the desired form structure. You can easily rearrange the order of your field blocks by dragging and dropping them within the Block Editor.

Make sure you add a Submit button block to your form so that your visitors can submit the form!

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features arrow shapes, highlighting the specific areas where users should click to add a submit button to the form.

Once you’ve finished customizing your form, click the “Publish” button to start receiving responses!

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users should click to publish the form.

Prevent Spam Submissions

Implementing measures to prevent spam submissions is crucial for a positive user experience, data integrity, and website security. To achieve this, integrating powerful bot protection measures such as reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, or Cloudflare Turnstile with OmniForm is recommended.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users click to add the Cloudflare Turnstile block to the form.

For example, insert the Cloudflare Turnstile block into your form and it will leverage Cloudflare’s advanced bot detection capabilities to filter out spam and protect the integrity of your form data. With this seamless integration, you can ensure a smoother user experience while safeguarding your website from unwanted bot activity.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features arrow shapes, highlighting the specific areas where users should navigate to generate API keys and save to the block settings.

Each supported service’s block offers instructions for generating an API key and provides a dedicated space to store those keys. By saving the API keys within the block, it enables the block to render the bot check on your form and validate the user’s response during submission.

Screenshot of the OmniForm editor screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the Cloudflare Turnstile block being rendered on the page.

Managing Form Submissions

Screenshot of a form being submitted by a user with a success message being displayed.

Managing form submissions is crucial for organizing and responding promptly. In OmniForm, form submission tracking is enabled by default, ensuring that all submissions are recorded and stored for easy access. Additionally, email notifications are automatically sent to the WordPress admin’s email address, providing real-time updates on new form submissions. This allows you to stay informed and promptly respond to important submissions without needing any additional configuration.

Screenshot of the OmniForm responses screen. The image features an arrow shape, highlighting the specific area where users click to navigate to the responses listing.

Wrapping Up and Next Steps

Now that you have a solid foundation, we encourage you to explore and experiment with OmniForm’s additional features and functionalities. Customize your forms further, leverage advanced options, and integrate with other tools to enhance your form’s capabilities and meet your specific requirements.

To dive deeper into advanced form customization options or explore integration possibilities, check out the following resources:

  • OmniForm Block Library: The official documentation provides detailed information about using OmniForm, including advanced customization options and features.
  • OmniForm Hooks: Discover the WordPress hooks offered by OmniForm, allowing you to customize and extend its functionality. These hooks enable you to integrate with other plugins, modify form behavior, or add custom functionality.

Remember, the more you explore and experiment, the more you’ll be able to tailor OmniForm to your needs and create powerful forms that streamline your data collection and management processes.

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